Monday, August 24, 2020
History wk 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History wk 12 - Essay Example They demonstrated what different investigations have appeared, that there are spatial contrasts among people and that ladies are better in verbal aptitudes. What I wonder, is whether these are diverse on account of how youngsters are prepared. Do kid kids will in general be prepared to see things more spatially than young ladies are appeared? Do ladies invest more energy talking and thusly, expanding their verbal aptitudes? Is this why numerous men discover discussing issues and so forth., too troublesome on the grounds that they have not been prepared in that manner? Schultz and Schultz (2008) recommend that that there is inclination separation despite everything going on when individuals meet up. In brain research, I have seen this become an issue, particularly with certain understudies who might be from the Middle East or different nations on occasion when the United States feels compromised. Despite the fact that this may not be what we need to find in brain science, I think it d espite everything exists and that we need. The possibility of sexual orientation interests me since today, there is such a great amount of going on with it. A few people are changing their sexual orientations, feeling they were naturally introduced to an inappropriate one. There is a progressing banter about whether gays and lesbians ought to have the option to wed. In spite of the fact that this may not legitimately investigate sexual orientation, it applies in that regularly gays and lesbians rise above the sex they were naturally introduced to. ... At the point when I originally came into this course, I had some thought of the different zones of brain science since I got them from various courses taken before this course. I figure my own perspective on brain research would be that it is the investigation of how individuals manage their general surroundings. I accept that it is something other than an investigation of the psyche, in light of the fact that there are such a large number of various parts of it. For instance, we raised the possibility of â€Å"The Secret†in this class and I accept that it is a piece of what individuals are concentrating today. The individuals who are following this are endeavoring to comprehend an alternate method of conduct that will assist them with pushing ahead. It is a conviction framework that many have received and made work for them. I imagine that guiding needs to mull over a client’s conviction framework and the way that it won't really be equivalent to that of the advisor. Truth be told, the guide might be against the client’s conviction framework and additionally way of life, yet they may need to have a method of managing it in any case or to allude the customer to another person. As an advocate who is a researcher specialist, I accept that it is imperative to keep on perusing in my field after I leave school and to associate with other researcher experts. I don't accept that we can work in a vacuum and at times, all things considered, a large number of us will in general get a degree and afterward work in an organization for a long time without greater turn of events. I trust it is imperative to comprehend the stressors that individuals are managing on an everyday premise, and to consider those regions that we are going to work with customers in. For instance, the world is seeing significant pressure identified with PTSD originating from the war. Along these lines, a researcher expert is going to need to get PTSD and the kinds of things that function admirably with
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Walt Disney Essay Research Paper Disney Productions free essay sample
Walt Disney Essay, Research Paper Disney Productions is one of the prima delight concerns, passing on tremendous overall gains non to advert the euphoria it brings numerous individuals. It has non ever been this simple for Disney in any case. It took the head of one grown-up male to pass on it whatever it is today, and that? s grown-up guys name is Walt Disney. Walt Disney? s life was given to the humanistic controls and beguilement about from birth. Be that as it may, Walt? s karmas what's more, VIP didn? Ts take signifier until his inventive action of Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney was conceived on December 5, 1901 and was the fourth child of Elias and Flora Disney. He was an exceptionally skilled child, showing tremendous inventiveness at such a juvenile age. Walt started pulling pictures in the first class furthermore, proceeded until the twenty-four hours he kicked the bucket. Another of his surpassing blessings was moving. Walt savored each opportunity to execute on stage or in class. We will compose a custom paper test on Walt Disney Essay Research Paper Disney Productions or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page While in basic school on Lincoln? s Birthday each twelvemonth until he graduated, Walt was pulled from classification to class by the chief to give the Gettysburg Address. ( Fisher, 18 ) Walt got exhausted with school all things considered and dropped out at the age of 16. He in a split second got an occupation as a server on a train line and keep up this occupation until the U.S. entered the war. Walt wanted to fall in the ground powers, yet was dismissed since he was to youthful. Since he despite everything wanted to hold some capacity in the war he turned into a willful with the Red Cross. Inside a hebdomad he was sent to the forepart and didn? T return for one to two mature ages. When Walt came back from he war he told his male parent that he needed to go an energizer, however his male parent did non O.K. . Walt overlooked his father? s exhortation and tried out workmanship school. Walt went to workmanship school for a while in both Missouri and Kansas City thus in this way discovered an occupation at an commercial house in Kansas. There he met a talented innovative individual named Ubbe Iwerks. Ubbe was an extraordinary energizer and he what's more, Walt turned out to be old buddies. Walt and Ubbe worked all twenty-four hours for the commercial organization, yet at dull they considered the craft of life and tried different things with approaches to do life drum sander by using obvious radiation and a camera. Walt without further ado cease his occupation at the notice house since he was non happy with the work he was making. He found an occupation in Kansas City at a Film Ad Company. Walt was quickly terminated from this occupation and holding no place else to travel, he brought place back. Walt and his sibling Roy chose to sort out their ain concern accessible occupations didn? t permit them the innovative opportunity they merited. They found a little topographic point to set up their ain studio on Hyperion Ave. in Hollywood. In the event that their concern were fruitful, it would be the primary studio in the city only for bring forthing life. Walt and Roy got their studio up and going inside a couple of hebdomads and recruited a few energizers. They premier delivered a smaller than expected arrangement called Alice that played in the prevues of film theaters, however they cognize it wouldn? T correlation with Felix the Cat. Walt felt something was losing at their studio and understood an interest for a maestro energizer. Walt quickly called upon his old companion, Ubbe Iwerks. Ubbe was persuaded and headed hetero to Hollywood. With Walt making stories, Ubbe bring forthing emotional life and Roy taking consideration of fundss they had an ideal articulation. Walt every now and again worked late at dim. Mice accumulated in my wastepaper container when I worked delinquently at dim. I lifted them out furthermore, keep up them in little coops around my work area. One of them was my unconventional companion. ( Disney qtd. in Fanning, 53 ) Walt chief drew the mouse up delinquently at dim and named it Mortimer, yet, Roy was non attached to this name. Anyway Walt was too much resolved to modify it. Roy conversed with Walt? s wedded lady, Lillian, furthermore, she at long last got him to modify it after yearss of arguing. Truth be told, it was Lillian who at long last named the mouse Mickey. They premier put Mickey in the short life called, Plane Insane, named after Lindbergh? s trip over the universe. Following that short trademark Walt got the idea to join sound with the life. This was exceptionally difficult to put forth and it took Walt a few attempts to happen the immaculate writer. Since they were profoundly low on cash Roy advised Walt to cover sound for some time and look for in this manner, however Walt sound at this point. Steamer Willie was their first achievement and with sound on its side the film pulled in numerous crowds and Disney Productions had gotten its first interference. In 1932 Walt thought the extra of sound was incredible, yet with shading it would be shockingly better. Walt called Technicolor furthermore, requested to get the sole rights to set the Technicolor methodology into the entirety of his motion pictures. Shockingly Technicolor acknowledged, yet needed a major charge for sole rights. Walt disclosed the opportunity to Roy in the following way. For what reason should we permit a couple of dollars risk our chances? I think this is Old Man Opportunity wrapping at our entryway. Let? s Don? t permit the clank of a couple of pennies muffle his thump. ( Disney qtd. in Fanning, 57 ) Walt and Roy chose to pay the expense so started bring forthing Mickey Mouse motion pictures in shading. Disney Productions was the just life worry to deliver shading films for two mature ages and during that clasp earned colossal total compensations. From the overall gains of the new bright Mickey Mouse, Disney Creations fabricated another studio structured by Walt. It was an energizers dream. Walt? s new alive studio was the ideal scene to put his most recent idea, Snow White. It was the principal alive film to truly be a trademark introduction. One dull Walt sat all his energizers down at a plain exhibit and disclosed to them the account of Snow White. His energizers found the story interesting, however considered how they were going to do an existent trademark length film with sketchs. When Walt was about half way finished with the film he understood that he did non hold a distributer to relinquish his film. Walt recruited a grown-up male by the name of Pat Powers ; he was the best distributer they could bear the cost of at that cut. Snow White was in the long run discharged and the cash was turn overing in, however non all of it. Walt and Roy saw eminence cash was non being paid in congruity with their agreement. They hoped to Chuck Forces for the answer. When Walt stood up to Pat Powers about the lower sovereignties, Powers just shrugged jestingly as in the event that Walt didn? T cognize how to run a worry. He so inquired Disney in the event that he could buy out his organization, however Walt was non going to surrender his anxiety. Powers so overpowered Walt with the insight that he had offered Ubbe Iwerks his ain life concern and Ubbe acknowledged. Walt was savage and in a flash bought Ubbe? s bit of the Disney Productions worry in hard money. Ubbe got 3,000 dollars at the clasp and today would be worth more than 500 million dollars. Walt at last got his past dew eminence installments and his whole total compensations from Snow White were more than 8 million dollars. The film earned Walt Disney an institute grant, the main alive trademark to be regarded in such a way. After Snow White? s long, fruitful clasp in theaters WWII began and Disney Productions entered a hard cut. Walt had a 4.5 million-dollar obligation in his authorities and didn? T cognize how to get free of it. To do things even more awful, Pearl Harbor was shelled and Disney? s studio was utilized as an enemy of airplane base. The counter airplane base was evacuated in a month in any case, however Disney? s studio didn? T end in the war endeavor. On the other hand they were utilized to plug war bonds and other legislative spots. This eased back Walt? s concern definitely, however the specialists advertised Walt an opportunity to go to S. America as a negotiator furthermore, they would take care of all his obligation. Walt acknowledged and delighted in the experience. There he discovered new musings for future films. Walt returned place from S. America and issue was blending in his studio. At the point when war had broken out, Disney Creations had halted creation on two motion pictures Bambi what's more, Fantasia. These movies were so discharged close the terminal of the war, however they made no net gain just more obligation and Disney energizers were non given fillips as they were guaranteed. Walt was unaware when he heard the insight. He had figured his new studio would hold settled all these employments, however unfortunately the energizers didn? t discover it to be the Eden Walt did. Not seeing fillips in their finance checks, Disney energizers went on work stoppage. To work out this work, Walt chose for sell stock in his organization and it sold in a split second. Walt was presently in the clear, however he had a new idea, a costly idea. Walt now had Disney Land on his head and wouldn? T end accepting about it till it was made. Disney Land really started when my 2 young ladies were extremely juvenile. Saturday was ever? Daddy? s Day? furthermore, I would take them to the carousel and sit on the seat eating peanuts while they rode. Furthermore, sitting at that place, totally, I felt that there ought to be something assembled, a type of family park where guardians also, children could hold fun together. ( Disney qtd. in Fanning, 98 ) Disney Production could non manage the cost of this idea t
Friday, July 24, 2020
To What Extent Does The Provision Of Interpreters In Public Services
To What Extent Does The Provision Of Interpreters In Public Services To What Extent Does The Provision Of Interpreters In Public Services In Britain Act As A Barrier To â€" Essay Example > @2011IntroductionInterpreters are translators of speech or spoken language with the aim of getting rid of the communication barriers between the communicators and none communicators of a certain language. This is effective in cases where foreigners are involved. They may not be conversant with the language as well operations of organization or nation hence the need for someone to guide and explain everything to them. Interpreters are trained depending on the areas of specialization. There are many sectors of public services in Britain which requires some professional interpreters to ensure that all the members of the public can access the services, for example, hospitals, solicitors, police and social services. These interpreters however have some negative impacts on the members of the public that they serve. The study below considers ways through which the provision of interpreters of public services in Britain acts as a barrier to integration of minority speakers. Interpreters o f public services in BritainMostly the work of the interpreters entails face to face communication as the professional interprets things to the clients. This is done through the context of arrival interviews or casework interviews whereby the interested individual is expected to book in advance. Both cases require provision of simultaneous translation of information or activities. With the advancement in technology, everything is turning to be online as people struggle to make things easier. Telephone interpreting is becoming very common in Britain especially in legal, health and local government (Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, 2004). The interpreters are required to have knowledge of all the languages used in the local communities as well as those that are internationally accepted like English. However some of the languages especially those used by people in the most marginalized areas are overlooked. The official language like English is the common used and accepte d especially in the professional fields like medicine and schools thus the minority speakers may not have equal opportunities to access the services because of the communication barrier. The public institutions make the languages used by the majority of the people the sole medium of public communication the minority language speakers feel isolated and not recognized in the society where they belong. The speakers of some of the minority languages personally complain when they object to the monolingual policy in reference to their own interests either as individuals or as a group. The less educated are the most affected because they may not be bale to access the information or services offered in the public institutions due to the communication barrier. The main complain is that the monolingual policies do not recognize the legitimate interests that they have in the struggle to accommodate their language. They also join hands to express their impersonal complains concerning the isola tion of the entire group. It is the interest of each member of the social group to have their cultural activities maintained like the indigenous language (Ostarhild, 2002). Provision of the interpreters in the public services shows that the state is encouraging monolingualism in which English is the language which is likely to be favored since it is considered as the national language in Britain. Instead of supporting and encouraging the locals to use their languages they discourage them by using English in most of the public offices even those located in the interior parts thus creating communication barriers between the locals and the professionals. There are some sensitive issues like in the health sector which the individuals may not be comfortable with the involvement of the third party as the interpreter since they are a bit confidential. Therefore, the affected ends up not accessing the required health services because of the fear of sharing their personal information to mo re people. The senior politicians are so keen on ensuring that the immigrants learn the majority languages so as to easily communicate to most of the people. This ends up stigmatizing the languages of the minority speakers because they are also forced to neglect their original languages and adapt those used by the major societies. The commitment of the government of the state to the process of monolingualism is reflected by designating only English language to be official and demanding all the workers to learn and consider using this language. Mostly these leaders prefer privileging their own languages for the material benefits of their social groups if identified as the major and superior groups in the state thus have some benefits over the other groups in the competition for the resources and other opportunities (Roda, 2000).
Friday, May 22, 2020
How The Essays You Are Submitting Meet The Criteria For...
1. Explain how the essays you are submitting meet the Criteria for Writing Proficiency stated below. Be sure to include specific examples from your own essays to support your claims. I believe the essays I have submitted meet the criteria for Writing Proficiency for numerous reasons. I will elaborate on these over the pages to follow. To begin, my essays are suited to the purpose and audience for each essay. This is perhaps most directly reflected in the introductions to my various essays, where I often establish in step by step manner the main topic I will be covering, as well as the method I will follow in presenting it to the reader. But I make a consistent attempt to deliver my ideas to an audience that corresponds, not only to the complexity of the topic but also the audience to whom I am writing. For instance, in writing about entrepreneurship, which is a comparatively simple topic next to my essay on the theme of living rationally (presented by various philosophers of the western intellectual tradition), the structure of my paper, down to the level of sentence structure and order of paragraphs, corresponds to the simplicity of the topic. Likewise, the way I deliver my ideas through the written word varies with my audience. So for instance, where I am speaking to business students in the former, I adop t a simpler and more direct approach to the topic of entrepreneurship. The topic is not heavily nuanced. The purpose of the essay is not to make it heavilyShow MoreRelatedCommunication Studies Syllabus- Caribbean Students12029 Words  | 49 PagesS CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination Correspondence related to the syllabus should be addressed to: The Pro-Registrar Caribbean Examinations Council Caenwood Centre 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica, W.I. Telephone Number: (876) 630-5200 Facsimile Number: (876) 967-4972 E-mail address: Website: Copyright  © 2010 by Caribbean Examinations Council The Garrison, St. Michael BB 14038 Barbados Read MoreOnline Examination System13416 Words  | 54 PagesUsers can use the system for writing the test and know about the system functionality. An individual can make use of the system by login in and taking a test. 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To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the
Thursday, May 7, 2020
The Impact of Reality Tv on the Teenagers - 1732 Words
The Impact Of Reality TV on the Teenagers in Mumbai Nimish Satpute St. Andrews College Instructors : Prof. Meenakshi Kamat : Prof. Jenny Benoy Abstract Reality-based television programming has become a dominant force in television over the past seven years and a staple of most networks’ primetime lineups. This relatively quick change in the television landscape and the sudden increase in viewers’ consumption of reality television necessitate an investigation into the impact these shows are having on their viewers. This proposal attempts to explore and understand the opinion of the students, particularly teenagers regarding their consumption patterns of reality†¦show more content†¦Even though the star quotient is important as it attracts viewers instantly, reality shows keep viewers glued to TV monitor even when the presence of stars is less relevant. These programmes are bound to have positive or negative impact on society. Thus it is of great importance that the impact of reality shows on teenagers is assessed. Objectives The main objective of the study is to identify the various types of television programmes watched by the teenagers. Understanding the reason of watching such various reality shows and study the impact of these reality shows on the teenagers. Hypothesis It is assumed that regular teen viewers watched because they found it entertaining and that it was enjoyable to watch another’s life as it enhanced their own awareness about themselves. Casually viewers watched because they were bored or because that they enjoyed watching another’s life. And also that there is a majority of negative impact on the teenagers watching these reality TV shows. Literature Review Television effect on influence of social realities (Potter amp; Chang, 1990). Potter and Chang determined that based on their study â€Å"control measures [including age, sex, race, income, education and occupation] were found to be a very important factor in determining the cultivation effects†They conclude noting that the type of television program predicts cultivation moreShow MoreRelatedReality Tv Is A Good Source Of Education1599 Words  | 7 PagesI. INTRODUCTION: There are reality TV shows for everything. There are reality shows for surviving Reality TV does not depict real life struggles accurately. They do not show the daily struggle of some issues that families, adults, and teenagers have. If people say reality TV is a good source of education, why are there still teens getting pregnant today? If teens are still getting pregnant, it shows how little they care of the outcomes of unprotected sex. 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The article clearly stated that children get hooked to what they see; the more they have been watching violent scenes, they more likely they care to want to experiment in real life. The impact of TV violence can be affected by kid’s curiosity; they want to practice what they see in real life. Sometime they confuse that with reality and they forget that killing someone is permanent. Read MoreReality Shows : Helping Or Hurting Teenage Girls?1370 Words  | 6 PagesPrincess Leia Youmans English 122 Sather February 25, 2017 Reality Shows: Helping or Hurting Teenage Girls?            While teenage pregnancy has been on the rise in America since the 1950’s, researchers have been trying to look for an ideal solution that will help solve the problem by declining teenage birth rates. Perhaps there is a potential solution after all. What could this solution possibly be? Well, it might be as simple as the reality shows â€Å"16 and Pregnant†and â€Å"Teen Mom†on the MTV network
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Martin Luther King Speech Free Essays
Martin Luther King Speech 1. Type of Document: Speech 2. 8/28/1963 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Martin Luther King Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now Martin L. King 4. Black People 5. Document Information A. List three things the author said that you think are important: 1. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. 2. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, which has come back marked â€Å"insufficient funds. †But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. 3. So we have come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. B. I think the document was written to specifically address not just black Americans but to people of all faiths, colors and persuasions. Martin Luther King Jr. knew that they were all in need of liberation from the cruel customs and habits of the nation’s past, which held back every one of another, no matter what the circumstances were or us in one way. C. â€Å" The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom†D. 1. The document states that when The Emancipation Proclamation was signed, it was the opening of new hope to millions of Negro slaves and was to put an end to all slavery. 2. About a hundred years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, the Negro was still not free. The life of the Negro was sadly crippled by segregation and discrimination. Whites cheated the Negros like absolute garbage and it lead to them living in poverty and in exile in his own land. E. Where there any Negros backs in the time when segregation was a major conflict that had some advantages over other Negros? F. Martin Luther King’s most famous speech draws heavily on his theological education and his superior command of the art of rhetoric. King basically starts out by pointing out that the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, which ended slavery in all the southern states and then from there he moves on to discuss the â€Å"check†of freedom. He then states that the check has been returned due to insufficient funds which basically means that, â€Å"We the people refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. †King final lines of his speech comes back to his introductory idea, that even though black people were freed of slavery in 1865 when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, they never actually have been free people. How to cite Martin Luther King Speech, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Sexual Abuse 2 Essays - Rape, Violence, Behavior, Misconduct
Sexual Abuse 2 Sexual abuse plagues people of all shapes, sizes, ethnicitys, and backgrounds. It can include anything from making a sexual reference, to someone feeling uncomfortable and even rape. In this project, we will break down the different types of sexual abuse and explain why they occur all over the world, every single day. First it is best to define the most violent kind of sexual abuse, which is rape. Rape is the forceful or non-forceful attempt or action of a sexual act done to a person, without their consent. Rape is a non-consensual penile penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth. Rape can also be described as sexual intercourse with a person, without their permission. Rape is accomplished by use of force by the assailant. Force can consist of many different things. It may refer to the use of verbal coercion, in order to coax the victim into sexual acts. It could also refer to actual physical restraint, in which the victim is restrained and unable to resist. Other examples of force are intimidation by verbal and physical threats, and in some cases, actual physical violence. These acts of force make it very difficult to a victim to resist sexual abuse such as rape. There are many myths that try to justify rape as a normal sexual act. One myth is that rape is actually just sex. In fact, rape is a life-threatening act of violence. The rapist is never expressing a love or sexual desire; instead a need to feel powerful and dominating in a sexual context, is displayed. Another myth or stereotype about rape, is that most rapes occur on the street, by strangers or by drunken or out of control men. The fact is that fifty percent of rapes occur in the home. About eighty percent of the adult women that are raped are done so by close family or friends, not by strangers. Rapists can be anyone, from doctors, teachers, and bosses, to a partner, a friend, or even a date. Sexual assault is one of the most serious and fastest growing crimes that face the world today. The National Victim Center reports that over seven hundred thousand women are raped or sexually assaulted annually. Sixty one percent of these rapes occur with women under the age of eighteen. Five percent of sexual assaults are inflicted upon males. Usually this statistic is not recognized and more often overlooked, because many people generalize that males are usually the abusers, and even if they werent, many males dont even report their incidents. According to Keith Lewandowski, Rape can be justified in many ways. For instance, After dating or spending money on a girl, or the girl is sexually experienced, one would expect sex. In fact, no rape or sexual abuse can be justified. The act of rape is immoral and does not respect another persons personal integrity. Drugs and alcohol can play a large role in the occurrences of rapes and sexual abuses. As statistics show, seventy three percent of the abusers involved in rapes, and fifty three percent of the victims, had used drugs or alcohol to stimulate their minds, before the assault occurred. These acts of drug use help to cause the victims to be disoriented and it prevents them from resisting. There are many effects of an act of rape or sexual assault. The psychological effects can include post-traumatic stress syndrome, and rape trauma syndrome, which can be identified by constant fear and being timid, helplessness, guilt, humiliation and depression, anger, and also embarrassment, among many other things. Victims of rape also tend to shy away from intimate relationships for fear of a reoccurrence of their traumatic experiences. There are also physical effects of these immoral acts. A victim may experience sexual dysfunction, a contraction of a Sexually Transmitted Disease (such as Aids and Herpes), and other obvious effects such as bleeding, abrasions, cuts, and death, if the assault is severe enough. There are many support programs, clubs, and treatment centers for rape survivors. These are places where victims can openly discuss their traumatic experiences and try to get over them as a group. A few support programs in Massachusetts are the New England Learning Center for Women in Transition and
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free Essays on Adjustments
College life thus far has been an entirely new experience for me. From letting go of my Mom and moving away from home and finally getting settled in then realizing that your new roommate is a major drug dealer and having to move again, on top of having hard classes and not knowing your way around town, college life has defiantly been an experience. These are some of my frustrations and adjustments to college life that I have had to go through so far. Moving away from home was harder than I thought it would be. At first, I was so excited and thrilled about finally getting to move out on my own. I have always been close to my mom and now was the time to let go and be a â€Å"big girl†. When I got here I had doubts about everything. Am I going to be able to do this? Is college life for me? I started to pick apart and analyze this new situation I had been dealt, and then my mom stepped in, â€Å"Mija, you going to do great. Everything will fall into place, don’t worry.†â€Å"Okay Mom, I can handle it.†, I said. Still, moving in was hard enough besides the extra â€Å"perks†I got. When I finally got moved in and all settled, my new roommate enters the room stumbling. She said it was jet lag from the plane to explain to my mom, but I knew better. It seemed that my new roommate had a drug abuse problem. Once, I sat down with her to talk about it; it was like talking to a brick wall. She did not understand where I was coming from, that I did not appreciate her drug usage in my room, nonetheless selling it out of my room. I ended up telling the resident assistant, opening a can of worms. â€Å"It is a problem here at Chisholm Hall, and has always been overlooked†. I talked to the resident director, campus police, and I received a room change to the forth floor. I then had to move all my belongings up two more flights of stairs. I thought, after this I should capable to handle anything else thrown in my direction. Classes in college are... Free Essays on Adjustments Free Essays on Adjustments College life thus far has been an entirely new experience for me. From letting go of my Mom and moving away from home and finally getting settled in then realizing that your new roommate is a major drug dealer and having to move again, on top of having hard classes and not knowing your way around town, college life has defiantly been an experience. These are some of my frustrations and adjustments to college life that I have had to go through so far. Moving away from home was harder than I thought it would be. At first, I was so excited and thrilled about finally getting to move out on my own. I have always been close to my mom and now was the time to let go and be a â€Å"big girl†. When I got here I had doubts about everything. Am I going to be able to do this? Is college life for me? I started to pick apart and analyze this new situation I had been dealt, and then my mom stepped in, â€Å"Mija, you going to do great. Everything will fall into place, don’t worry.†â€Å"Okay Mom, I can handle it.†, I said. Still, moving in was hard enough besides the extra â€Å"perks†I got. When I finally got moved in and all settled, my new roommate enters the room stumbling. She said it was jet lag from the plane to explain to my mom, but I knew better. It seemed that my new roommate had a drug abuse problem. Once, I sat down with her to talk about it; it was like talking to a brick wall. She did not understand where I was coming from, that I did not appreciate her drug usage in my room, nonetheless selling it out of my room. I ended up telling the resident assistant, opening a can of worms. â€Å"It is a problem here at Chisholm Hall, and has always been overlooked†. I talked to the resident director, campus police, and I received a room change to the forth floor. I then had to move all my belongings up two more flights of stairs. I thought, after this I should capable to handle anything else thrown in my direction. Classes in college are...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Fermentation vs. Anaerobic Respiration
Fermentation vs. Anaerobic Respiration All living things must have constant sources of energy to continue performing even the most basic life functions. Whether that energy comes straight from the sun through photosynthesis or through eating plants or animals, the energy must be consumed and then changed into a usable form such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Many mechanisms can convert the original energy source into ATP. The most efficient way is through aerobic respiration, which requires oxygen. This method gives the most ATP per energy input. However, if oxygen isnt available, the organism must still convert the energy using other means. Such processes that happen without oxygen are called anaerobic. Fermentation is a common way for living things to make ATP without oxygen. Does this make fermentation the same thing as anaerobic respiration? The short answer is no. Even though they have similar parts and neither uses oxygen, there are differences between fermentation and anaerobic respiration. In fact, anaerobic respiration is much more like aerobic respiration than it is like fermentation. Fermentation Most science classes discuss fermentation only as an alternative to aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration begins with a process called glycolysis, in which a carbohydrate such as glucose is broken down and, after losing some electrons, forms a molecule called pyruvate. If theres a sufficient supply of oxygen, or sometimes other types of electron acceptors, the pyruvate moves to the next part of aerobic respiration. The process of glycolysis makes a net gain of 2 ATP. Fermentation is essentially the same process. The carbohydrate is broken down, but instead of making pyruvate, the final product is a different molecule depending on the type of fermentation. Fermentation is most often triggered by a lack of sufficient amounts of oxygen to continue running the aerobic respiration chain. Humans undergo lactic acid fermentation. Instead of finishing with pyruvate, lactic acid is created. Distance runners are familiar with lactic acid, which can build up in the muscles and cause cramping. Other organisms can undergo alcoholic fermentation, where the result is neither pyruvate nor lactic acid. In this case, the organism makes ethyl alcohol. Other types of fermentation are less common, but all yield different products depending on the organism undergoing fermentation. Since fermentation doesnt use the electron transport chain, it isnt considered a type of respiration. Anaerobic Respiration Even though fermentation happens without oxygen, it isnt the same as anaerobic respiration. Anaerobic respiration begins the same way as aerobic respiration and fermentation. The first step is still glycolysis, and it still creates 2 ATP from one carbohydrate molecule. However, instead of ending with glycolysis, as fermentation does, anaerobic respiration creates pyruvate and then continues on the same path as aerobic respiration. After making a molecule called acetyl coenzyme A, it continues to the citric acid cycle. More electron carriers are made and then everything ends up at the electron transport chain. The electron carriers deposit the electrons at the beginning of the chain and then, through a process called chemiosmosis, produce many ATP. For the electron transport chain to continue working, there must be a final electron acceptor. If that acceptor is oxygen, the process is considered aerobic respiration. However, some types of organisms, including many types of bacteria and other microorganisms, can use different final electron acceptors. These include nitrate ions, sulfate ions, or even carbon dioxide. Scientists believe that fermentation and anaerobic respiration are older processes than aerobic respiration. Lack of oxygen in the early Earths atmosphere made aerobic respiration impossible. Through evolution, eukaryotes acquired the ability to use the oxygen waste from photosynthesis to create aerobic respiration.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Merchant of venice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Merchant of venice - Essay Example Thus, it can be argued that Shakespeare was not being anti-Semitic when he placed a Jew as a usurer in his play, rather that he was using historical fact as a basis for writing his play. To have written anything else would have been entirely out of historical context. Shakespeare, the greatest dramatist of all time, was not concerned with the issue of anti-Semitism, rather he used the fact that Shylock was a Jew as a tool, through which he was able to explore the issues he wished to discuss in this play – the play, read in this way, is not itself anti-Semitic, rather, it is a play about anti-Semitism, about the similarities and differences one encounters when dealing with people of different religions. Throughout all of Shakespeare’s writing, he uses characters as tools with which to build his story, and entertain his viewers/readers - The Merchant of Venice is no exception to this rule, and so according to this reading of Shakespeare’s motives, this interpretation of the play can be argued to be valid. Shakespeare’s creation of a character as multi-faceted as Shylock is a testament to his skills as a writer – at times we sympathize with Shylock, at times we simply cannot understand his methods or motives; this is because Shakespeare wanted to create a ‘larger than life’ villainous character, who would entertain us through his actions. He is an eternally fascinating character, he keeps us, the viewer/reader, captivated. The fact that Shylock is a Jew is incidental to the drama; Shakespeare wanted to design a character through which he could develop the action of his play, and it is testament to Shakespeare’s skills as a dramatist that he created such a memorable character, that leaves the reader asking so many questions. At times we dislike Shylock, at times we sympathize with the things he is going through; at all times, he arrests us with his depth and his evident selfishness; he is captivating as a
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Race to the Top Strategy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Race to the Top Strategy - Coursework Example In his time in office, President Obama has provided unparalleled support for the education system in America. The Race to the Top Strategy was enacted through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009) formulated to sustain job creation, stimulate economic growth and invest in important sectors such as education. The ARRA acts as a foundation for education reforms by supporting strategies which lead to better results for students, long-term benefits for schools and increased effectiveness. The â€Å"Race to the Top†education program provides funds to K-12 public school systems to improve the education system in general (White). The ARRA allocated $91 billion to the program whose main objective was to act as an incentive to encourage states to make positive developments in education (White). These developments include improving high school graduation rates, making significant student achievement and ensuring that students are well prepared for accomplishments in college and in their careers. The following criterion is followed when awarding funds to schools in all states: Formulating and employing high standards and quality assessments The administration encourages states to work together towards a system of conventional academic principles that prepares students towards a college education and careers (White). These are used to assess the students’ thinking skills and critical knowledge. Hiring and retaining good teachers and leaders in schools The program emphasizes on teacher assessment, retention, and compensation to promote and reward efficiency (White). This means that public schools are being pressed to relate teacher compensation to student examination scores. Maintaining data systems that improve instruction and informed decisions The objective of the program is to make data easily accessible to all stakeholders. A data-based approach to assessing the curriculum is effective and minimizes teacher and school district discretion in a ddition to local preferences and state differences (White). Demonstrating and maintaining education reforms The administration aims at advancing collaboration among all stakeholders in the education sector to close achievement gaps and improve students’ performance. The Race to the Top Strategy is in two phases. The first phase started in October 2009 and 10% of the funds were allocated to an initial group of states in 2010 (Colorado the Official State Web Portal). The second phase award proposal for 90% of the funds was in spring in the year 2010 (Colorado The Official State Web Portal). The implementation will take place over a four year period and is expected to improve the overall education system in America. Differences between the Race to the Top Strategy and previous strategies by past Presidents: Bill Clinton and Bush school reform strategy The main difference between Obama’s and Bush’s educational reforms lies in the strategies adopted by the two presid ents. President Obama’s signature education strategy is Race to the Top that is based on the allocation of funds using the test scores of students.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Millennialism and Apocalypse Thought in S. T. Coleridge and William Wor
missing some works cited "Tintern Abbey": Millennialism and Apocalypse Thought in S. T. Coleridge and William Wordsworth's Poetics Storming of the Bastille 1789 [1] During and in the aftermath of the French Revolution, millennialist thought – independent of the myriad of economic and historical reasons for its precipitation – influenced many authors. Many people perceived the French Revolution as a foreshadowing of an Apocalypse that would usher in a new millenarian epoch, one levelling social distinctions between people and bringing about what was believed to be Christ's absolute rule. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was such a writer influenced by millennialist and apocalyptic belief in the late-eighteenth-century. His early writings and visions, such as in Religious Musings (1794-6), and Pantisocracy (1794), as well as his proposed communal experiment on the Susquehanna River in the United States, mark his belief in a millennium that would eliminate the social evils that he saw as detrimental to both individuals and the society in which he lived. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Revelations 6 : 1-8, detail from Albert Durer [4] The belief in millenarian and apocalyptic movements is one that was, and remains, today pervasive. Its origins are not entirely understood, but as Hillel Schwartz notes, "its root term, millennium, refers to a first-century eastern Mediterranean text, the Apocalypse of John or Book of Revelation." [2] Schwartz further notes that: "Among the world religions we can locate two constellations of millenarian thought about an epochal pulsing of time, one Zoroastrian-Jewish-Greek-Christian, the other Hindu-Buddist-Taoist-Confucian." [3] Broadly defined, it is: The belief that the end of the w... ..., in Romanticism: An Anthology, with CD-ROM, 2nd ed. Oxford & Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000. [BACK] 11. Earl Leslie Griggs, Ed. Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Vol. I. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956, 395, 397. [BACK] 12. Duncan Wu and David Miall, eds. Romanticism: An Anthology, with CD-ROM, 2nd ed. Oxford & Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2000. ( 271). [BACK] 13. Ibid, 191. [BACK] 14. Ibid. [BACK] 15. Wordsworth, "There is an active principle" (1798), 9-11. [BACK] 16. Coleridge, quoted in Peterfreund, Stuart. "Coleridge and the Politics of Critical Vision." Critical Essays on Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Ed. Leonard Orr. New York, Toronto: Maxwell Macmillan International, 1994, 39. [BACK] 17. Earl Leslie Griggs, Ed. Collected Letters of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Vol. II. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956, 1013. [BACK] 18.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Tv has negative influence on society
TV has a negative influence on society Introduction: According to David Hinckley of New York Daily News, â€Å"The average America over the age of 2 spends more than 34 hours a week watching live television plus another 3-6 hours watching taped programs. †This statistic shows how much tv can affect us, considering how much we watch it. I want you to think about your favorite tv show right now. I'll bet you that that show contains some kind of violence, sexual interactions, cussing, drug or alcohol usage, stereotypes and many other bad nfluences.Even shows like Spongebob Squarepants, a kids cartoon, are saying to have subliminal, or hidden, messages that are disturbing and wrong. Resolution: My partner and I are resolved that tv has a negative influence on society. By negative influence we mean a power affecting a person, think, or course of events in a bad way(free dictionary. com). And in this case, tv is affecting society, or people in general thought of as living together in organized communities with shared laws, traditions and values. My first argument is that violence on tv leads to aggressive behavior in the people watching it.According to Dr. Gail Gross in the Huffington Post, â€Å"when children see violence on television, they have a difficult time differentiating between what is real and what is make believe, and tend to copy what they see. †In 1 study done at Pennsylvania Statue University in 1982, about 100 preschool children were observed both before and after watching tv. Some watched cartoons that had a lot of aggressive and violent acts and others watched shows with no violence. The esearchers notched real differences.Children who watched the violent shows were more likely to hit out at their playmates, argue, disobey class rules, leave tasks unfinished, and were less willing to wait for things than those who watched the unviable not programs, says Aletha Huston-Stein PH. D, now at the University of Kansas. In conclusion, media violence makes kids more aggressive, less patient, and more fearful of the world around them. There are plenty of violent tv shows like law and order, criminal minds, the walking dead, breaking bad, and so on that show case iolence and killings.These shows can lead many people to follow in their ways. So as you can see from this evidence, violence on tv leads to aggressive behavior in the people watching it. My second argument is that watching tv gives open access to everything. When you watch tv, you are susceptible to messages that are dangerous, especially the youth. Say that you are a young kid and your parents want to keep you away from the dangers of drug and sex until you're older. Well whole watching tv you could flip to a hannel and start watching a television show that includes these activities.Now as a young kid you may be confused and not know the difference between right and wrong when it comes to these new things you haven't heard ot betore. Another point is shows like teen mom expose you to premarital sex and these shows make it seem normal and natural to have sex as a teenager. Furthermore, according to changingchannels. org, tv desensitizes viewers to the evil nature of premarital sex and unprovoked violence, encouraging young viewers to find them acceptable and ormal in society.So you can see from the points made, television gives people, especially youth, open access to everything. conclusion: Our first argument was that tv violence leads to aggressive behavior in the people watching it. Our second argument was that tv gives people open access to everything. Do you really want young children susceptible to drug, sex, and violence before they are even old enough to know what it is? From these arguments, it should be clear that tv is leaving a negative impact on our society.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Famine, Affluence, and Morality Essay - 1371 Words
Famine, Affluence, and Morality Websters English Dictionary defines morality as: the conformity to ideals of right human conduct. With this in mind, I wonder who determines right human conduct? Religion aside, there is no literary context that strictly states the rights and wrongs of human behavior. So who decides? Who determines what we ought morally to do and what we are obligated to do as a society? An Australian philosopher, Peter Singer attempts to draw the line between obligation and charity with the moral incentives to providing food for the starved in East Bengal. Although he presents many sound arguments, the reality of his utopian world is that it cannot exist. In the following expository, I will justify my reasoning†¦show more content†¦The United States Government has numerous support groups thats sole purpose is to fend for impoverished countries like Bengal. For example, the U.S. Peace Corps, National Guard, Amnesty International, and American Red Cross, all of which raise funds and lend aid to areas of greatest need when it concerns the general welfare of the human race. Not only do governments lend aid, but BANDAID, Salvation Army, Tibetan Peace Conference, and numerous individual parties contribute moneys and rally support, march the streets, and demand relief to these countries. Singer states neither individuals nor governments can claim to be unaware of what is happening there [Bengal]. (page 152) My colleagues and I knew absolutely nothing of the recent developments in Bengal, which is not to say that we dont read newspapers or watch the evening news, but rather that the United States has priorities within its own country. American citizens tend to focus on the hardships that are within their spectrum, just as the British focus on troubles within The United Kingdom. The uncontroversial appearance of the principle just stated [without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance], if it were acted upon, even in its qualified form, our lives, our society, an d our world would be fundamentally changed. --Singer (page 153) Indeed, if this principle were to be carried out effectively, it would bring about change, but no matter what kinds of relief were provided,Show MoreRelatedFamine Affluence And Morality1963 Words  | 8 PagesIn â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality,†Peter Singer emphasizes the potential revisionary implications of accepting utilitarianism as a guide for conduct. The moral philosophy Singer conveys in this text are most closely related and comparable to the ideas of nineteenth-century English philosopher, John Stuart Mill as Singers’ approach is utilitarian rather than deontological. Despite their similarities, the ideas of Singer and J.S Mill contain many discrepancies, especially with regard to whether theyRead MoreFamine, Affluence and Morality1663 Words  | 7 PagesSinger’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality Ametra Heard PHI208 Ethics and Moral Reasoning Instructor Zummuna Davis January 14, 2013 Singer’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality In the Peter Singer’s article â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†, he discusses the way that people should take moral in their help toward the support of the Bengal famine crisis. Singer states three obligations that would help the Bengal region through the means of a wealthy person, and those individuals living life on a dayRead MoreFamine, Affluence, And Morality1555 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween numerous countries across the world, and enables people living in developed countries to help those who are experiencing famine, deaths and diseases in poor countries. However, the moral necessity of doing so has been controversial in human’s society for years. One philosopher named Peter Singer gives his opinion in the article â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†, and presents a powerful argument supporting his claim. In this essay, I will explain his conclusion and main argument, propose oneRead MoreFamine, Affluence, And Morality906 Words  | 4 Pa gesWithin â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†Peter Singer delves into the topic of famine; specifically, the moral obligations individuals in affluent countries have to those who are suffering. In his example, Singer focuses on the population of East Bengal, and their struggle with famine and extreme poverty. Singer proposes that with enough aid from both individuals and various governments extreme poverty can be eradicated. Therefore, the question he presents is why poor people are dying while affluentRead MoreFamine, Affluence, And Morality1991 Words  | 8 PagesWojtek Sokà ³Ã…‚ Phi 115-002 Ethics – Final Paper Famine, Affluence, and Morality Peter Singer Jimmy carter once said, We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry. With the world now more interconnected than ever there might be a solution to world hunger by distribution of wealth. Peter Singer, in his article titled, Famine, Affluence, and Morality, takes this concept of unity that we have on a global scale and tries to tackle the issue of world hunger. BeforeRead MoreFamine, Affluence, and Morality Essay892 Words  | 4 PagesIn the article by Singer, P. (1972) â€Å"Famine, affluence, and morality†main argument is that to persuade his readers in what people of wealth and governments should help with famine relief, especially in East Bengal as one example given. Singer is furthermore also mention somewhat of and utilitarianism. Therefore, according to Mosser, K. (2010) â€Å"A concise introduction to philosophy†states that the â€Å"act utilitarianism applies the idea of utilitarianism to specific acts, emphasizi ng what moral isRead More Famine, Affluence, and Morality Essay2027 Words  | 9 Pagesâ€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†     In â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality,†Peter Singer is trying to argue that â€Å"the way people in relatively affluent countries react to a situation†¦ cannot be justified; indeed,†¦ our moral conceptual scheme needs to be altered and with it, the way of life that has come to be taken for granted in our society†(Singer 230). Peter Singer provides striking examples to show the reader how realistic his arguments are. In this paper, I will briefly give a summary ofRead MoreFamine, Affluence and Morality by Peter Singers929 Words  | 4 Pages In this essay I will be arguing why a utilitarian could possibly disagree with Peter Singers Argument presented in â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality.†After reading such an interesting paper I must say as much as I disagreed with Singers viewpoints I almost found it difficult to object them with support. From a utilitarian point of view we are to maximize Happiness by reducing suffering. How can Giving possible make someone unhappy? But as I was thinking a saying came across my mind, â€Å"Two steps forwardRead MoreFamine, Affluence and Morality by Pete Singer1045 Words  | 4 PagesIn the article, â€Å"Famine, Affluence, and Morality†, Pete Singer, a Utilitarian, argues that citizens in affluent countries such as the United States have a moral obligation to give up as much as they can for famine relief. Singer’s contention in his article is that the way we morally conduct ourselves ought to be reappraised. (Singer, 230). I Singer’s argument, and in this paper, I will examine the distinction between duty and charity, compare both deontological and consequential theories of ethicsRead MoreFamine, Affluence and Morality by Peter Singer1486 Words  | 6 PagesIn his own essay â€Å"Famine, Affluence and Morality†, Peter Singer puts forth some compelling arguments for affluent people to give what they have in excess, to the suffering people of the world. Before any criticism is made, here is the argument: - There are people suffering and dying from lack of food, shelter and medical care. - People suffering and dying from lack of food, shelter and medical care is bad. - If you have the power to prevent something bad from happening without sacrificing †¨anything
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